CANDE handmade soaps are made from pure, natural ingredients like coconut and olive oils. We add butters and goat's milk for even more moisturizing. Some of our featured soaps include oatmeal for exfoliation for a great cleanser and moisturizer all in one. Our soaps are biodegradable, making them better for your skin and the environment.
Commercial or "name brand" soaps are made with synthetic detergents and additives that can dry out your skin and cause irritation. Synthetic detergents are great for your dishes but not for your skin. How dry are your hands after washing dishes? Synthetic soaps have the same effect on your skin.
A naturally occurring product of soap making is glycerin, a moisturizing agent. Glycerin is removed from commercial soap for profitable use in other products. CANDE cold-processed soap retains glycerin. Try a CANDE product for a week and you'll see the difference!
CANDE soaps, lotions and products are hand crafted in small batches. See the variety of scents and products ~ citrus, floral, and spa scents, kid stuff, manly scents...all on! Your skin will thank you!
Handcrafted soaps should be stored out of water and allowed to dry thoroughly between uses. Use a soap net to hang the soap or place it on a draining soap dish. Check our website for these products and more great products!